Please allow us up to 7-10 business days for Normal delivery from the day you receive the order confirmation. Our delivery partners will attempt to deliver the package thrice before it is returned back to us. Please provide your complete and accurate address including zip code and mobile number in the delivery address as it will help in making a faster delivery. An email will be sent to you after the order is shipped and also once delivered, for a complete update of our delivery process. For further assistance, please contact our Customer Service at (Dummy Number) (Monday - Saturday 10 AM to 7 PM) or email us at Support@BeliramExclusives.in.
Initiate a Return Request within 48 hours of delivery by contacting our Customer Service at (Dummy Number) (Monday - Saturday 10 AM to 7 PM) or email us at Support@BeliramExclusives.in. Alternatively, sign into 'My Account' and complete the 'Submit a Support Request' form to start the return process. Email a high-quality picture of the received product, clearly showing the issue (damage/defect/incorrect item) along with your order details to Support@BeliramExclusives.in. This step can expedite the process. Our Quality Assurance team will review the details for eligibility of return. We will update you on your Return Request Status within 2-3 days of receiving your request and photos. Once approved, we will organize a reverse pickup for the item. Pickup arrangement and delivery to our warehouse typically take 2-3 working days and 7-10 days, respectively. Following the receipt of the merchandise at our warehouse, the refund process will commence within 7 days.